Preston Smith Statue

We went to Carol Of The Lights last night.

We parked at First Baptist Church and walked to campus, as is our tradition.

Well, mom and I walked.

K, you were pushed in a stroller. And H, you rode on my shoulders.

It was fun. But between the cold and the waiting, ya’ll are nearly too young to go.

We are invariable there for less than five minutes before someone begins complaining.

It doesn’t help it’s bed time.

Y’all did enjoy running and playing under the covered breezeway of the administration building. We walked over to the Preston Smith statue on the other side and I think I got the question “Is this guy dead?” no less than a dozen times.

We finally said oooooh and ahhhhh when the lights came on and then headed back to the car.

Our hands were cold, but the shower sure felt good when we got home.

Mom joked that one day all you girls would want Starbucks before going to the ceremony and I would complain that a “free” event was costing me $20.

I wouldn’t be surprised if it costs me $30.

I love you.
