Quick Trip

Welp, it’s Monday night and work stinks.

One day I’ll be a business owner and private investor and writer.

But all I got is the cubicle for now.

I resent the fact that the changes at my work have bled so much into our home life. The ease of which I can come and go from work, the way the added stress colors everything i do, and the headaches (not a metaphor) I have at the end of the day.

All that aside – with rona cases at all-time highs, and cabin fever to the point of exhaustion – we threw caution to the wind this weekend and went to Ruidoso.

It was our standard quick trip: Leave after an early breakfast on Saturday. Eat lunch there. Swim at the hotel. Eat dinner out. Sleep. Breakfast. Swim till lunch. Lunch. Home for a late dinner.

We were there Saturday and Sunday and the state was already set to implement new lockdowns on Monday.

The wait-staff just seemed glad to have our business…

It was special too because this was T’s first trip to Ruidoso and first time to New Mexico!

I love you.
