Read Books

As I have said before:  Read. 

You can learn so much. 

Ever read a book that changed your life in some way? 

I have. 

Why would you not seek and crave books that can do this for you in some way again and again?

Right now, I try to read a book a week. 

Writer Ryan Holiday says it like this:

Starting with Gilgamesh, we have the oral and written tradition of articulating the human experience and attempting to detail our difficulties, our triumphs, our experiences. Over these five thousand years, human beings have been struggling with problems, many of which are more significant, difficult, and life threatening than whatever you or I woke up to deal with today. So why would we not make ourselves familiar with that information and those lessons?

There is a quote: “Any fool can learn from experience. It’s better to learn from the experience of others.” That’s what reading is, particularly with philosophy and history. Philosophy at its finest is designed to help us with the difficulties of life and help us with what they call the good life. And in history we find entrepreneurs; we find soldiers; we find executives; we find lovers, fathers, spouses; we find children; we find every imaginable person in every imaginable situation, and we can learn from their experience. I think you’re an idiot to not learn from it.

I love you.

— Dad