River Lullaby

River Lullaby


You are so sweet to K.

You have taken to singing her a lullaby when she gets mad.

Usually, it is when she is getting ready for bed.

Sometimes, it’s just when she is fussy in the car.

You sing a song from The Prince Of Egypt called: River Lullaby

It goes:

Hush now, my baby
Be still love, don’t cry
Sleep as you’re rocked by the stream
Sleep and remember
My last lullaby
So I’ll be with you when you dream

River, oh river
Flow gently for me
Such precious cargo you bear
Do you know somewhere
He can be free
River, deliver him there

Brother, you’re safe now
And safe may you stay
For I have a prayer just for you
Grow baby brother
Come back someday
Come and deliver us too

My beautiful girls.

I love you.
