
Scribbling It All Out, Because: Art

H, at church week before last, you got some of your scribbling out.

We took K to Sunday School, and you went with us to big church.

And when your mind begins to wonder during the sermon, as it would for any three year old, we naturally try to find you a distraction.

Usually in church we give you a white piece of paper and a pen.

And you know what you do?

You scribble like crazy all over that white paper.

I love it when you do.

I love it because they won’t let you do that at school.

Now I know it’s a developmental thing about learning to color in the lines, but you are three!

Why can’t you scribble if you want to?

And who ever got anywhere in the world by always coloring in the lines?

So we sit and listen to the sermon, and you get some of your scribbling out.

You just scribble all you want to.

I love you.
