Sending Her

H, tomorrow is Christmas Eve and I realized something today.

I had not got mom a present.

(We don’t usually do much, maybe one or two small gifts, if anything.)

But I remembered today that she had asked for a jar of chocolate covered almonds from Costco.

You rode with me to get them.

when we got to the store we were both walking around holding hands and being totally silly.

Every other thing we passed I would point at and ask if we should get it for mom.

We even stopped at the jewelry counter and marveled at the expensive ones.

We kept going like that, holding hands and laughing and pointing and asking when you suddenly stopped in the isle and dropped a precocious truth bomb on me.

You said:

Dad! Mom doesn’t need that for Christmas. She just needs to be loved!

She need a break.

Dad, we should be sending her on a vacation.


I mean, you could not be more right.

Getting her to willingly spend time away from her babies might be near impossible…

But you are 100% right: Just love a girl and give her a break every now and then.

We did get her the almonds so she has something to unwrap the day after tomorrow.

I love you.
