Sleeping In

T, it took you one day to learn how to sleep in. 🤣

One day!

I mean, what in the world?

One day. 24 hours!

Since we laid you in your crib the first time, you have yelled across the house for us when you wanted to get up.

You hear the house begin to stir. You wake up. And then you yell at us to come and get you.

We have virtually NEVER had to come in and get you up.

But we moved you from your crib to a double bed and in one night you stopped this charade.

If I am being honest, we even had a bit of trouble prying you out of bed in time for school…

It’s like you suddenly realized the bed is warm and comfortable and that you prefer to sleep in – if given the choice.

Honestly, me too.

I love you.
