Snuggliest Girl

K, tonight you were the snuggliest girl in the universe.

Mom and I got you girls to bed, ordered Chinese fake-out, and sat up late watching The Family Stone.

Of course by 11, K, you were awake – up – and headed to our room to sneak into our bed.

We were still awake though and you were in the snuggliest of moods.

You and I talked and snuggled and showered each other in kisses and compliments while mom took a shower.

At one point you declared me the greatest dad in the universe.

When I asked how one becomes that you said:

That’s easy. You just have to do two things. Love your girl. And catch frogs.

I told you I was worried I might not be the best frog catcher, and you said:

That part is easy too. You get a net. You put some food in the net. Frogs like insects. You put the food toward the bottom and then tilt the net up a little. Then when a frog jumps in, “Snap!” you’re done.

Had to write this all down before I forgot.

Frogs beware.

I love you forever.
