Standing Against Satan, Sermon Notes

Title: Standing Against Satan
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 18 August 2024
Verse: Matthew 4:1-11; Ephesians 5:18

I.      You Must Depend on the Holy Spirit (Power)
A.     Mistaken Notions About Being Filled with the Spirit
1.      It is not a Temporary Zap
2.     Not Acting in the Flesh with God’s Approval
3.     Not the Same as Being Indwelt
4.     Not Progressively Receiving More of the Spirit
5.      Not the Same as the Baptism of the Holy Spirit
6.     Not the Same as Being Sealed
B.     The Truth About Being Filled with the Spirit 
1.      Imperative (Commanded)
2.     Inclusive (Every Believer)
3.       Intentional (On Purpose)
4.     Incessant (Continuous)

II.    You Must Stay in Touch with the Father (Prayer)

III.   You Must Use the Word of God (Truth)