You Have Not Started Walking

You Have Not Started Walking

K, I am just here to report that you have not yet started walking.

Just, FYI.

You are still a baby.

Not in the way H might get in your face and playfully say in a high pitch voice:

“You are a bitty – batty – baby!”

However, this weekend you did take your first few steps.

That is, on multiple occasions, you took one step before falling over.

You did not take more than one step, in a single attempt.

Does that make sense?

In the learning curve, you did manage to hit your head on furniture and door frames about 6 times in the last 48 hours.

You got RSV last week right after your birthday so Gammies is in town today keeping you home from school.

She keeps wanting to take you to the hospital everytime you bump your head.

But she is ridiculous sometimes.

I love you.
