Sun On My Face

It was a good day.

The Super Bowl was tonight and the Chiefs won.

We watched it at Pop and Gammies and left shortly after halftime.

It was church and Sunday school this morning and Freddie’s for lunch.

Mom and T and I sat at a table together.

H and K, you ate at the bar counter looking out over Milwaukee Avenue and talked to each other like little women.

K you are so happy when we give you the autonomy to do things on your own.

You got drinks and ketchup for yourself at the far counter and beamed with joy.

Mom says you are “living your best life” when you are given freedom like that.

We did homework after that and a few chores too.

I even raked some acorns out of the backyard.

Honestly, it felt good to be outside with the sun on my face.

I love you.
