Swimming Time

Swimming Time

It’s swimming time again!

We got our pool passes this last Friday and we were at the Tech pool 24 hours later.

Unfortunately, when we got there, we discovered that the pool was still closed.

Mom checked the website again:

10 AM

We looked at our watches again:

10 AM

So we walked around the front of the Rec Center, only to find the entire facility locked up, and a few dozen students standing around waiting to get in.

Long story short – they forgot to update the website and planned on opening at noon.

H, you thought we were not going to be able to go to the pool at all and lost it, crying more than once.

While we waited, we ran to Target to get a pillow for mom and swung through Wendy’s drive-thru.

When we got back with our food at 11:30, they had opened the pool.

K, you loved the water.

You had a bright smile on your face the entire time we were there.

And H, you are such a big kid.

I think you would have stayed another 3 hours if we had let you.

The only downside of the day was that I didn’t use sunscreen and ended up with a little bit of a sunburn.

I can feel it now as I type.

Let’s make the most of this summer.

I love you.
