I’m Getting A Tattoo

Just kidding, haha, I am never getting a tattoo.

Maybe if they would fade away in like 12 months?

(H, we talked about all this the other day, but I wanted to codify it here for all you girls.)

On getting tattoos, you could site and argue about Leviticus 19:28:

You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord.

Some would say tattoos are wrong – it’s in the Bible.

Others would say that this was the old testament – and that we don’t live under Levitical Law anymore.

There are other verses about your body being a temple (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and not conforming to the world (Romans 12:2).

But I took another approach and mostly said it like this.

I asked:

Just looking at her, if you had to guess, which girl below looks classier?

Which girl looks below looks kind and patient and loving and gentle to you?

I'm Getting A Tattoo
I'm Getting A Tattoo

The girl on top looks like she has been through a thing or two…

She doesn’t look fancy at all.

So I will top it all off with this question:

Have you ever seen a princess with a tattoo?

The long and short of it is that most people with tattoos:

Hopefully, all this uses enough persuasion that y’all will never get one 😉.

I mean, I never got one! Mom never got one! And we’re nearly perfect.

But…if you still get a tattoo one day…that’s ok too.

I’m not giving you permission to, I would admittedly be disappointed.

But I’ll still love ya.

I love you forever.
