This Weekend Was Not Terribly Eventful

This Weekend Was Not Terribly Eventful

This last weekend was not terribly eventful, but sometimes you need a weekend like that.

My parents came to see us this weekend – and we simply tried to spend time together.

We tried to spend time together – and mom flat-out put Grandpa to work.

He wired an electric Christmas trees, glued a broken cabinet door back together, bolted down an unsteady toilet, a repaired a hole in our outside fence.

K you were so sweet you followed everyone around all weekend wanting to be held, read to, and loved on.

And H, as my parents were driving away, you and I went outside to wave them goodbye.

I held you, and as they drove off you said:

“I miss them. I hope that they can see us again soon.”

My tender-hearted girls.

I love you.
