The Long Way

It was a good day.

T, you had me cracking up when I took you on an afternoon drive.

We went because mom couldn’t get you to go to sleep at home, but we can always get you to go to sleep in the car.

Our literal conversation:

Dad, why are we going on a drive?
Sweetheart, I asked if you wanted to go and you said yes.
But why are we going?
Well, mom’s car needs gas and I am taking the long way.
Your taking the long way?
Her car needs gas?
And we are taking the long way?
Just becasue I like being with you and you and I wanted to go.
We are?
Dad are we going becasue I wouldn’t sleep at home when mama wanted me to?
Well, yes, it would be nice if you rested too.

And then you fell asleep in 30 seconds.


Oh and after that, H, you played two basketball games.

And you won your second game!

It has been tough because we won nearly every game last year – and we have lost nearly every game this year.

It mostly has to do with the ages.

Teams are third and fourth graders this year – and our team is 80% third-graders.

Last year, teams in our league were first and second-graders.

And with 80% second graders, only one team beat us.

Anyway, it was a nice win.

Afterward, we went to dinner at Rosa’s with Hazel and her family.

Pop and gammies even tagged along and bought everyone sopapillas.

I love you.
