Three Miles

I have to tell this story.

It was a typical day at a typical 4:00 PM.

I picked up K from school and then went to get H, as always.

Sometimes both of y’all come with me to pick up T.

And sometimes I take you home to get started on homework, give you some downtime, or whatnot – so you aren’t stuck in the car for another 30 minutes.

That day we all went together.

So we picked up T and – like always – fought the Frenship traffic coming out of the high school on our way back.

About halfway back to the house, there is a Toot n’ Tutum convenience store.

As we pass it, K asks the car “How far is it home from here?”

Without hesitating, T replies: “About 3 miles.”

I stopped for a second and tilted my head in thought. I think it is about three miles!

I felt gobsmacked but didn’t know what to do with it.

I laughed it off and forgot about it until a few weeks later when I was driving past that same spot.

I pulled into the gas station and stopped, turned on my phone navigation, and pulled up directions to the house.

2.7 miles, my phone read. 😳

How is that even possible?

Maybe chance? A lucky guess?

Does our four-year-old have an innate understanding of distance?!

T, I still can’t believe you answered it so matter-of-factly.

I love you.
