Toddler Kisses

T, you are just in that perfect phase right now of giving the best toddler kisses.

You pucker up on your own, or sometimes when we go in for a hug, and you gently make the “mmm” sound as you lean in.

Sometimes you have a nose that needs wiped and sometimes you have a little drool going on…

But 80-90% of the time they are these perfect little sweet pecks of joy.

You got to going back and forth between mom and I last night for 5 minutes. Kiss one, walk back, kiss the other, repeat.

It was so big of an event that 30 minutes later, K was asking for “extra kisses on the lips” at tuck in time.

I even dished out a few extra kisses to a skeptical looking H.

There was a lot of love last night in this house!

Please keep the kisses coming.

I love you.
