Told Bedtime Stories

H, we told bedtime stories to each other last night after prayers.

It was just perfect.

We all read and said prayers together, sure. But then mom went to tuck in K and I stayed to snuggle you for just a bit.

You asked if we could tell each other stories. I said yes. And you insisted on going first.

You did a retelling of Little Red Riding Hood with some of the most ferocious and spooky voice techniques for the proper effect.

I told a story about a beautiful girl in a castle who happened to have your name. She had three awful step-sisters, with your aunt’s names. A fairy-godmother with “K’s ” name.

At in the end she met a prince who happen to have MY name.

With each familiar layer you got more and more excited.

By the end, I nearly had to peel you off the ceiling you were pinging around with so much energy.

When we were all done, you asked me:

You wish you recorded all that, don’t you?

Because I keep telling you I want us to start a podcast where you and I talk about things.

We would keep it for ourselves at first, and then maybe publish it all one day if we felt like it.

Your right though…

I wish I did have it all recorded.

I love you.
