Tornado Near

We didn’t die, we didn’t even get hurt.

Ok, so no. Seriously.

There was a tornado near us yesterday.

Honestly, it was too close to our house for comfort.

I mean, I have lived in Lubbock off and on since I was 18 and I have never seen anything like that before.

We could see the rotation of the clouds over Wolfforth and the entire storm ended up right over our house.

Thankfully, the tornado did not ever touch down.

There was a minute or two there though that I wasn’t sure if everything was a non-issue or if we were going to have to run for the basement at Ms. Frida’s house.

I stood in the driveway watching until it began to hail.

When I finally came inside, you H and K, were in my closet watching Aladdin on my iPad and eating Pringles potato chips in the dark (we still had power).

T, you had been asleep for half an hour.

I love you.
