Truck Kiss

T, you gave me the best truck kiss I have ever gotten in my life this morning.

I took you to school and as I was getting you out, you saw your bike in the back of my truck and asked me to get it.

I get it, daddy?

“You can go get it,” I said back, as I stood you up in the truck bed.

You talked about your bike (It was still there from Pop and Gammies house the day before.), you fished leaves out of the bed, and you pointed out an old case of water left back there gathering dust.

We threw the leaves out into the wind and giggled with each one.

You were being so wonderful, I told you you were beautiful, and I asked for a kiss.

We were eye-to-eye with you standing in the bed as you leaned over and planted a smacker on my lips.

Today is the last day of summer and it was a sweet morning.

(H starts 3rd grade tomorrow and K starts Kindergarten.)

I love you.
