Two Songs

H, you were in your first Southcrest Christmas program last night.

The children’s choir (Pre-K thru fourth grade) that you are part of sang two songs at the beginning of the program.

You sang Happy Birthday Jesus and I’ll Give Him My Heart.

Before the program started they also showed a video asking Christmas questions to your Kindergarten class.

You were so beautiful and perfect and confident.

Mom and I had no idea the video was coming before it started.

Grandma and Grandpa came as well as Gammies.

K, you watched intently as H performed and then fell asleep as soon as she was finished.

Missing your nap, you slept between my lap and mom’s lap for almost an hour. Honest to goodness a marching band played Little Drummer Boy 30 feet away and you never flinched.

Gammies took us out to eat after it was over – H, you picked Olive Garden – and we were as tired as we could be when we all finally got home.

Too much stuff going in December as always.

Let’s go to bed early tonight.

I love you.
