You Care, Very Deeply

You Care, Very Deeply

K, we have a running joke that you care very deeply.

It’s not a joke, really.

It’s just a phrase we say, a line from the Disney movie, Inside Out.

See, there is this scene where the character Anger explodes at something.

When he does, the narrator, Joy, explains that he has this big sense of fairness and that he cares “very deeply.”

Well, my little biscuit.

You have an enormous sense of fairness too.

Maybe it’s personality.

Or, the fact that you have an older sibling.

I am not sure.

But, girl, when you think someone has done you wrong for some reason, you can explode.

When you get angry, mom and I smile at each other while we are trying to calm you down and say:

She cares very deeply.

I love your fire.

May you never lose it.

I love you.
