Watched In Pajamas

Today was Easter.

You girls woke to overflowing Easter baskets on the fireplace and we started the morning by going thru all of your presents.

(I think each of you got a good bit of candy, a book, and a pair of pajamas.)

Afterwards, we live-streamed the church service on our living room TV.

How odd it was to celebrate Easter church services by watching the sermon from our couch.

We watched in pajamas while we drank coffee. You kids played – and eventually watched TV in the other room – while mom held T.

For lunch we had hotdogs, and H, you and I went on a drive just to get out of the house (I wanted to go and you were the only one who wanted to come with me.).

Mom dressed all three of you in matching Easter dresses and we took a few pictures just to capture the moment.

We did two different Easter egg hunts in the front yard – one before lunch and one before dinner.

We even managed to get in a short walk before it got dark.

You girls were so tired tonight and we poured you in bed early. I only yelled twice. One of you only cried once.

I am thankful for the lasting hope that today’s celebration represents.

And I am so glad I got to spend the day with you.

I love you.
