Water, No Lemon

Water, No Lemon

H, You are so perfect right now.

Now you do get mad, you pitch fits, you whine.

It can be infuriating.

But in the same breath, all I can think is that you could not be be more wonderful.

And the things you say, the faces you make, the mannerisms you have, you are hilarious.

So, you have taken to ordering your own food.

And today we went to eat at Cracker Barrel for dinner.

A college-aged guy came by the table and asked what we wanted to drink.

Mom said: “Water, with Lemon.”

Before anyone else could speak, with your pink sunglasses still on, you said: “Water, no Lemon.”

As you said it, you waved your hand once from right to left at the wrist.

We all started laughing.

It was so funny!

The waiter smiled and teased you for the rest of the meal like you had stolen the show.

You had.

You are perfect.

I love you.
