On The Ground With Bunnies

On The Ground With Bunnies

Some things are obviously good, some bad, – being with bunnies is, of course, in the former.

So yesterday we went to a friends house to watch the Super Bowl.

It was a 5 or 10-minute drive and both of you kids seemed excited to go and be out of the house.

On the way H, you started talking.

I do not remember exactly what it was even about.

But soon the conversation moved to airplanes and flying.

As we slowed for a stop sign, you announced to the car.

“I am scared of going down in an airplane. But I am not scared of going on the ground with bunnies. Bunnies are so cute.”

You said it in a very matter-of-fact tone.

And K, you had the best time ever running and chasing the older kids around.

You both did.

You girls had a great night.

I love you.
