Working Hard

Working Hard

Under the issue of working hard, I saw this post about making your own luck and I liked how it was said.

On teaching his children about working hard:

I also want them to know that you can love hard work as well, that hard work isn’t a burden but a consequence of one’s own skillset matching a true need.”

The writer, Austin Kleon said it a different way, in regard writing.

Here he discusses the value in small amounts of work, and how they accumulate:

Building a body of work (or a life) is all about the slow accumulation of a day after day’s worth of effort over time. Writing a page each day doesn’t seem like much, but do it for 365 days and you have enough to fill a novel. You do it your whole life, and you have a career. So, if I can leave you with one piece of advice, something encouraging that I can sear into your brain, it’s this: Figure out what your little daily chunk of work is, and every day, no matter what, make sure it gets done. If you fail, the sun comes up tomorrow, and you get another chance. If you succeed, you’re still going to have to get up tomorrow and do something else.”

I hope you remember how big of a component hard work can be to success.

I love you.
