What Are You Eating

K, you are my little yes girl right now.

You are up for anything, and ready to go everywhere.

  • Want to go with me to turn the sprinklers on?
  • Do you want to come with me to take Huck to the pet hotel?
  • I have to go get groceries. Do you want to come with me?

You say yes to it all.

Naturally then, every Saturday you come with me to get donuts for breakfast.

We head west for couple of blocks, swing through the Dunkin Donuts drive-thru, and head straight back home.

9 times out of 10 when we do this I stand in solidarity with you (avoiding egg) and only get a croissant to eat.

But sometimes – sometimes – I order a chocolate frosted donut. I eat it on our way home so that you don’t have to watch me (rear facing car seat), and so that you won’t feel left out.

As you have gotten older you talk more and more on these short trips. You also ask questions. Dozens of questions. Which finally forces me to talk.

The other day you caught me.

In your sweet little voice you asked:

What are you eating, daddy?

I think I played it off and asked you a question to change the subject.

Honestly, I can’t wait to eat some donuts with you one day soon.

Were gonna get past this egg allergy and have ourselves a field-day.

Keep being my YES girl.

I love you.
