Your Bottle

T, you took your first bottle today.

You are starting school here in a week or two, so we had to try it eventually.

Honestly we are apprehensive about sending you to school.

The state shut down when Lubbock was having three to five new coronavirus cases per day.

And now?

There were 80 new cases today, 72 yesterday, and 100 the day before that.

We have been trying to avoid exposure for so long it’s surreal going back to business as usual in the midst of all this.

Anyway, I changed your diaper, held you on the love seat and just went for it.

You were super mad at first but finally calmed down and drank almost half of the bottle.

Then you lost it and got so angry mom had to come and calm you down.

I finally took you to your room and managed to feed you the second half. You layed in your bed while you ate. It was dark and cool and we looked at each other in the light of your mobile.

Your mobile played music softly in the background and you happily fell asleep after I left the room.

You are beautiful and perfect.

I love you.
