Burritos and Jesus

K, on the way to Wednesday night church, we went to Villa for dinner.

Mostly you girls asked what I thought you would be when you grew up.

But the conversation turned when – over a bean burrito – you started asking about getting baptized!

We talked about it briefly, how the water does not save you, you just have to pray and ask Jesus in your life…

I said a prayer for your sweet little heart tonight.

Kenny Winny, I just love you to pieces.

Burritos and Jesus.

I love you.


Chapter 7

So, my boss at the farm filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy.

And he let everyone go two weeks before Christmas.

So, apparently, finding that out killed my writing habit for nearly a month. 🤣

It’s fine.

I’m ok.

We are all ok.

Everything happens for a reason.

I can’t wait to see what comes next.

I love you.


Maybe Concussion

You have had a bit of a weekend.

It started with you cheering at the high school basketball game on Thursday night.

An out-of-control player going after the ball plowed through the cheerleader’s corner and shoulder-checked you into the concrete wall.

You hit your head and we thought you maybe had a concussion.

But you seemed fine afterward so we didn’t worry about it much.

We took it pretty easy on Saturday.

On Sunday you slept through church in the AM, complained of a headache, and then slept through 80% of the church Christmas musical that night.

The good part was that I got to hold you during all that sleeping.

You stretched out across the seats beside us with your head in my lap. ❤️

All this made us worry about your head again.

But it turns out it wasn’t your head…

It’s Monday, you just got back from the doctor, and you have strep and a fever!

Looks like it’s couch and movies for a day or two.

My girl.

I love you.
