So Sad


When I say or do something that you don’t like, I often respond by saying:

Too bad, so sad, your dad.

I have done it for years.

Everyone thinks I am weird when I say it.

And I have no idea where I got it from.

But it’s been in my head for as long as I can remember.

Welp, the pastor said it at church last week as part of a joke/illustration!

It’s about a boy who went off to college, ran out of money, and wrote his dad a letter:

No mon
No fun
-Your son

Since the boy had foolishly spent all of his money for the entire semester, the dad wrote back:

To bad
So sad
-Your Dad


I’m not crazy.

Well, at least about that. 🤣

The Fragrance Of Giving, Sermon Notes

Title: The Fragrance Of Giving
Speaker: David Wilson
Location: Lubbock, TX
Date: 3 March 2024
Verse: Philippians 4:14-18

I. The Ministry Through Giving (Sharing Attitude) (14-16)

II. The Magnitude from Giving (Spiritual Accounting)  (17)

III. The Motivation When Giving (Sacrificial Aroma) (18)

Cinderella Song


I posted about the Cinderella song here before.

But at this last daddy-daughter dance, you make me laugh real good about it.

The dance was nearly half over and they had only been playing fast songs to that point.

Then they started playing Cinderella out of the blue.

You came over and asked me to dance.\

I said, “of course.

And that “they are playing the song!”

You casually said, “I know – I told them to play it.” 🤣

K, we danced quite a bit too, but you were just getting over a stomach bug and at about 60% capacity.

The night closed with you sitting in my lap and your head resting on the table. ☹️

Y’all were both so beautiful in your dresses.

And I even wore a tie.

I love you.
