Banged My Shin

Welp, I banged my leg superbly at the gym yesterday.

After finishing my last exercise, I turned to my left and headed for the exit.

But one stride in I banged my shin on a machine.

It hurt, but I kept going, thinking I just bumped it good.

It hurt more.

Halfway to the door, I looked down at it.

I was bleeding everywhere and had a large gash in my skin.

The guys at the front desk helped bandage me up and I drove myself to the ER over by Dunkin Donuts.

Honestly, the anesthesia for the stitches hurt way more than bumping my leg.

My favorite part was getting to gross y’all all out with pictures.

This morning all you girls asked if I was ok.

I love you,


(And that’s no red sock. That’s a gray sock. 🤢)

A story in three pictures:

Banged My Shin
Banged My Shin
Banged My Shin