Category Archives: Potpourri

Another Sleepover

Big day today.

Hannah Foy is in town and sleeping over this week to go to vacation bible school.

K, you slept at Pop and Gammies house last night after we all stayed up late running through the sprinklers and looking through Pop’s telescope at the moon.

Everyone slept in this mornIng.

T went to school about 9.

K came home to play with H and Hannah around 10.

Mom got home for lunch at 11:30 – and I finally went to work at noon.

From 1 – 5, K was at Rock Solid, H and H were at VBS, T was at school, and mom and I were back at work.


Then we ate Rosa’s for dinner and went swimming at the Texas Tech pool!

By the time we got home, showered, and tried to wind down, K was headed back to Pop and Gramms for another sleepover.

Gosh we’re all tired.


I love you.


I’m Getting A Tattoo

Just kidding, haha, I am never getting a tattoo.

Maybe if they would fade away in like 12 months?

(H, we talked about all this the other day, but I wanted to codify it here for all you girls.)

On getting tattoos, you could site and argue about Leviticus 19:28:

You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord.

Some would say tattoos are wrong – it’s in the Bible.

Others would say that this was the old testament – and that we don’t live under Levitical Law anymore.

There are other verses about your body being a temple (1 Corinthians 6:19-20) and not conforming to the world (Romans 12:2).

But I took another approach and mostly said it like this.

I asked:

Just looking at her, if you had to guess, which girl below looks classier?

Which girl looks below looks kind and patient and loving and gentle to you?

I'm Getting A Tattoo
I'm Getting A Tattoo

The girl on top looks like she has been through a thing or two…

She doesn’t look fancy at all.

So I will top it all off with this question:

Have you ever seen a princess with a tattoo?

The long and short of it is that most people with tattoos:

Hopefully, all this uses enough persuasion that y’all will never get one 😉.

I mean, I never got one! Mom never got one! And we’re nearly perfect.

But…if you still get a tattoo one day…that’s ok too.

I’m not giving you permission to, I would admittedly be disappointed.

But I’ll still love ya.

I love you forever.


Sister’s Names

T, I just love how you say your sister’s names.



And, of course, your own name, “Tay – Tay.”

Y’all girls are so precious right now.

And two is just the cutest age for talking.

I love you.
